We don’t just run – we also volunteer.
It’s been a busy few weeks for many of our members. As well as training and racing, we’ve also been busy volunteering.
Belfast City Marathon
Big thank you to all our club members who gave up their time to assist and volunteer at the Belfast Marathon Expo for three days on the run up to Belfast Marathon. We have had lots of great feedback. In addition to helping out at the fantastic expo, we had members helping out on the course and at the start and finish line areas. Thanks everyone for representing the club so well. Not only did the runners do the club proud, but the volunteers equally did as well. Massive kudos to everyone helping out at the event. #BelfastCityMarathon
Antrim & Newtownabbey Big Spring Clean
Great morning spent clearing litter from our village, on Saturday 7th May. This was part of the Antrim and Newtownabbey big Spring clean. The sun shone as picked are way through:
20 volunteers (and 1 dog)
30 black bin bags.
1 apple Mac
1 pc monitor
1 road sign
1 disc brake
I cone
I tyre
2 number plates
80 plastic bottles
9 glass bottles
Countless crisp packets
1 Ten pound note
Several energy gel wrappers
Millions of tins
2 recycling boxes
1 sand bag
27 face coverings
1 great club
Thanks to all the members who volunteered. A great morning’s work and craic.
#malluskharriers #keepmallusktidy #ourvillage #ourcommunity #liveherelovehere