Sunday 7th May 2017

After the exertion of the last couple of weeks for many of you Harriers. It was back to more familiar territories’ for parkrun this weekend, amid the blazing sun.

Newcastle Upon Tyne
Absent of any fog on the Tyne or Gazza. Mallusk’s Stephen Weir came in 30:03.

Neil Campbell arrived first at the local parkrun for Mallusk 20:32, Brendan McGeown 23:26, Ciaran Skillen 23:49, Owen Fulton 24:04, Neil McCready with a PB 24:48. Clare Teer 26:23, Janet Grew 26:49, Tina Steele 27:31, Karen Jamison 28:18, Junior Harrier Christopher Campbell 29:29, Leeanne and Paul Skillen arriving together 30:03. Marie McFarlane with a PB 30:26. Fidelma McCoppin 30:35, Alyson Taylor 30:39, Frances Kane 31:06, Maeve McGinley 32:31, Debbie Sterritt 32:32, Roseann McGeown 33:48, Junior Harrier Leah Skillen 40:49.

Parkrun thanks volunteer Alex Davidson.

Wallace Park
Elaine Kennedy 28:46 and Martin McCready 28:47, paired up for a run around Lisburn.

Mallusk’s Danny Donaldson arrived 1st in 21:38, Stephen Semple 23:24, Patrick McGuckin 23:52, Susan Thompson 24:26, Ken McAuley 24:27, Sharon McCavana 25:30, Catherine Mullan 25:59, Maeve Kennedy 27:17, David Mullan 29:40, Tiffany Donaldson 30:08, Patrick Hamill 31:10, Fiona Wylie with a PB 31:28, David McCavana 34:43, Joanne Haddock 41:23.

Glenavy Milk Run 10K.

Three Harriers travelled for the Milk Run this year, and proving he was pasteurised before you saw him, Martin McCready arrived home for Mallusk in 44:38, followed by Michael McFarlane 53:50 and Elaine Kennedy 56:54.

After strenuous training and racing, it is beneficial for the body and mind to rest. For a field that has been set aside or rested will produce a beautiful crop.

Have a good week.

The Insider.